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Tendo Mokko and Japanese Modern

Tendo Mokko, one of Japan's leading furniture makers, has produced many masterpieces of furniture that have left their mark on design history. Tendo Woodworking will celebrate its 80th year in business in 2020. The book traces the company's history in chronological order, and looks back on the many projects in which it has collaborated with various architects and designers, including Isamu Kenmochi, Kunio Maekawa, Kenzo Tange, and Sori Yanagi, using a wealth of visual examples of its products and delivered products, and the voices of those involved in the production of the products and related parties. This book examines the role the company has contributed to Japanese furniture and spaces, and explores the universality of “Japanese Modern” once again.

The book is bound in Codex, which means that the back of the book is not covered by a cover, but rather the binding threads are left exposed, allowing the book to open 180° for easy viewing of facing pages and keeping them open. The book is thread-bound and the spine is glued to ensure strength.

Tendo Mokko Tendo Mokko was founded in 1940 by a group of carpenters, joiners, and joiners in the Tendo City area of Yamagata Prefecture. The company was one of the first in Japan to commercialize furniture made of molded plywood, and has contributed greatly to the development of Japanese living spaces through its work with architects and designers.


Published by: Seigensha Publication year: 2020 Size: A5 size, codex binding, 504 pages https://shop.tendo-mokko.co.jp/shopdetail/000000000579/

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